613 Williamson St., Ste. 200 Madison 53703 United States
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About us
The Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association is the leading nursing organization dedicated to preventing and managing cardiovascular disease.
Our members are nurses and nurse practitioners that assess risk, facilitate lifestyle changes, and guide individuals to achieve treatment goals at clinics, hospitals and universities across the country.
The current state of health care demands that nurses and advanced practice nurses play a leading role in identifying and implementing cardiovascular risk reduction strategies. PCNA is committed to supporting nurses so they may successfully rise to this challenge. We educate and support nurses through the development of professional and patient education, leadership, and advocacy.
The Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association is the leading nursing organization dedicated to preventing and managing cardiovascular disease.
Our members are nurses and nurse practitioners that assess risk, facilitate lifestyle changes, and guide individuals to achieve treatment goals at clinics, hospitals and universities across the country.
The current state of health care demands that nurses and advanced practice nurses play a leading role in identifying and implementing cardiovascular risk reduction strategies. PCNA is committed to supporting nurses so they may successfully rise to this challenge. We educate and support nurses through the development of professional and patient education, leadership, and advocacy.